

Filters or the lungs of machines are one of the main parts of machineries. In brief, we tend to proffer some clarifications about the different types of available filters in mining machineries. Totally filters, their components and types of their construction quality play an important role in machineries lifetime and their functions. These have caused that big mines are demanding super qualified filters after the original brands such as OEM that regarding the prior experiences, the informed brands by global standards, Europe, Asia, and America standards and considering types of mines (Ironstone, Coal, Copper and …) and working hours we give advice our clients with pleasure and patiently. Generally, filters play a significant role in clarification and refinement. For instance, the fuel filter separates all pollutants and fine particles from the fuel, or the air filter reduces dust so that the device can have better efficiency. For this reason, there are many different types of filters and also different brands.

This company is proud of offering all kinds of filters from reputable brands:

Air filter

This type of filter is installed to separate micron-sized particles that enters the device through the inlet valves. All devices have inlet and outlet valves, and these valves catalyze the incoming air and pass it through the outlet valve to takes it out.

Oil filter

The presence of oil in road construction machines is vital because it is the engine oil that can keep the engine temperature of the device constant and leads to the loss of friction between the internal components of the engine if this oil is mixed with fine particles. If it causes contamination, it will lose its efficiency, so we’re required an oil filter to eliminate this problem.

Fuel filter

In most cases of using low-quality fuel, we need to replace the fuel filter of our road construction machine. This filter makes more suitable fuel reach the machine.

Water filter

This type of filter is used in road construction equipment and can separate the water mixed with fuel and since the quality of fuel for diesel vehicles is low in our country, it is very important to have a high-quality water filter.

Available brands

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