Electrical Parts

Electrical Parts

Electrical equipment in road construction machinery includes starter, alternator, battery breaker, engine warning lights, and in addition to that, all other parts have displays and electric and digital controls.  We must proudly announce that Aremburg Company has been able to supply a wide range of electrical appliances used in road construction machinery from the best brands.

Electronic Control Unit (ECU)

What we know today as Electronic Control Unit (ECU) is actually a powerful computer that receives the necessary information from the sensors and controllers of various machines and sends the necessary commands to the operators of each department after analyzing and checking the received signals. The power of the ECU can be understood by examining the volume and number of information received by it from various sensors, the decisions made by it based on this information, and finally the commands it sends. Therefore, in one sentence, we can say that ECU is the mastermind of the machines, which controls all the microprocessors and electronic controllers of the machines. This means that the ECU manages the monitoring, regulation and control factors in the machines.


To start the engine, some power is needed to draw some air and fuel into the cylinder and create compression. This circulation is created by the engine starter.

The starter has gears on its shaft that are connected to each other by spiral grooves that are both on the shaft and inside the gear. The gear that is on the starter shaft engages directly with the big gear that is connected to the flywheel of the engine. 


A sensor is an electrical device that is used to calculate some physical parameters such as pressure, temperature, etc. The output of an electrical sensor is an analog or digital signal that is transferred to the hardware (ECU) for processing. The types of sensors used in industrial machines are as follows.

  • Engine speed sensor
  • Water temperature sensor
  • gas sensor
  • limiter
  • fuel sensor
  • Sensor under the fan
  • The sensor on the mother pump
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